Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bookmarking other sites for future reference

Some sites I know I'll want to link to, either in the main sections of the site or on the links page:

General movie-related
  • Ebert's Little Movie Glossary (collection of movie cliches compiled by Roger Ebert and his readers)
  • The Internet Movie Database (general movie information; also fun for playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon -- but I digress.)
  • Movielens (an experiment in social movie recommendations; rate movies and get recommendations based on other users with similar tastes)
  • Rotten Tomatoes (collects links to movie reviews)
General opera-related
  • The Aria Database (exactly what it sounds like: information on major arias from lots of different operas)
  • Culturekiosque (reviews and interviews)
  • The Handelmania Podcast (terrific podcast by a dedicated opera fan with a very large recording collection)
  • Operabase (enormous database of performance information)
  • OperaGlass (from Stanford University; libretti, synopses, performance histories and more)
  • Opera Today (reviews plus streaming audio of recordings)
On opera in the movies

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